Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Week 8:Nonhuman Anatomy

This is a 10 minute nonhuman drawing of a toucan, using a B6 pencil. This drawing has a good sence of value as there is a lot of shading around the toucan on the branch, on which he is standing. It is a nice drawing as the figure anatomy resemblance a lot the figure of a bird. The outlines and curves show the muscle sturcture of a toucan as you can recognize it for it's unique beak.

There is some background missing as well as from this vantage point there should be more parts visible from the toucan than just that for example it's missing it's tail it also looks strange like it's missing another foot and the dark values on his black feathers isn't easily distinguished even the wing itself is hard to see. The beak has the right shape but seems to be not as thick as it should.

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

week 7:Balance Weight Dynamism

This is a 20 minute figure drawing with a B4 pencil. From this vantage point it is clear that this is a closed form, static pose as the woman is relaxing on the bed with her hands under her head only at the bottom, the left leg is making the lower part of the body open formed.

The drawing has good proportions and sense of mass. The muscles are highly detailed with right curves. It is fairly good in value even though some cast shadows seem to miss. It is clear that the wight is spread through all of her body as she is lying down, relaxed without any tension in any part of her body. There is a good foreshortening in the right arm that can actually be seen from this vantage point showing that the arm goes down beneath the model's head.

This is not exactly a finished piece. As mentioned the cast shadows aren't perfect. A background is missing as well as the face of the model. It is also not that good in contrast.

week 6:Anatomy and Movement

This is a 25 minute figure drawing with a B6 pencil. This pose is interesting as there is a lot of foreshortening happening in the area around the arms and shows good balance.

The muscles are highly detailed with a good shape. It is clear that she is about to swing with her hands as the muscles in the arm show tension as well as the legs. In proportions it is fairly good, although even there is a foreshortening in the arms it still looks a little bit off like they are not drawn in the right agnle. The drawing has a good sense of depth and value, you can clearly see all the cast and selfshadows. The highlights are a bit hard to distinguish as the contrast isn't that good.

In overall this is a good drawing showing movement. The background isn't completely finished as there is space on the left and not much detail in the back, behind the girl.