Monday, 27 February 2012

week 5:Basic Anatomy Refresher

This is a 20 minute  figure drawing using a B2 pencil.  From this vantage point not all parts of the body can be seen. The legs and the arms can be only partly seen as the back covers them up.

In proportions it's fairly right. There is a good foreshortening happening in the right leg and in the arm that can actually be seen which gives a good deapth of the drawing. In value it is good the shadows at the back along with the curve in the spine and the outlines of the back give that sense of him leaning forward. However the background is not finished as the body there is some shading missing. It shows good balance and wight as it is obvious he is resting on the pillow, as well puting some wight over his right leg. He is relaxed there is no tension. Shows the shape of the muscles and the body nicely.

Even though it is a good drawing it isn't exactly a finished piece. As mentioned some shading is missing on the drapery. Also even though it is obvious that he is leaning forward the outlines of the back aren't exactly correct as the model was a bit more bend over than he is drawn.

week 4:Foreshortening and Extreme Angles

This is a 40 minute drawing of a skeleton using a B4 pencil. This is a great vantage point because of the oblique angle.

There is some great foreshortening happening on to the picture area that's why the idea of under what angle the skeleton is lying on the ground is clear. A lot of parts from the skeleton have went through a forshortening drawn on to the 2D plane. That give is great depth. The drawing is good in value as you can see some selfshadows and some cast shadows, but it isn't that great in contrast so it isn't clear where exactly are the highlights. However the ribs aren't with the right size they are too long making the chest look bigger than it should be from this angle. So in this area the foreshortening hasn't been applied that accurate. The head that can be slightly seen looks bigger than it should be as well.

This drawing isn't entirely finished as there are some bits missing. The background isn't fully drawn, the drapery is only half way drawn, although it's been nicely detailed around the skeleton and shaded, and the left foot of the skeleton misses a few fingers.

week 3:Still life: Composition - Focus

This is a 30 minute drawing using a B2 pencil. I chose this vantage point because of the pleasent composition. The implied line makes the eye follow from the top of the first jug going to the bottle on to the flowers then going down to the vase and finishing off at the right jug.

The focal point using the rule of thirds is exactly that jug in the most right in the picture area. However the eye may follow a different path going throught the left end of the drapery through the lonely flower in the vase to the jug in the right. The drapery helps for that implied line. In value this drawing is good the highlights on the right jug and on the vase are easy to spot as well are the shadows. There are obvious transparent objects in the drawing showing the material they are probably made from. with the highlights and the sharp shadowson the jug on the right it makes it also visible that the object is shiny.

However this drawing is not perfect. The elipse of the first jug on the left is too wide. Also the bouquet seems like it's not holding on to anything, maybe because the stalk seems to straight at the end. It is not well detailed.

Week 2:Still life: Shape and Form

This is a 20 minute drawing using charcoal. The composition of the object isn't that interesting the eye goes from the first transperant object on to the big vase like object and finishes off at the jug on the right. So the vantage point isn't the best one that could have been chosen to avoid this plain composition.

The outlines aren't perfectly drawn, but you can still see and understand what is the real shape of these objects and the form of the objects, quadratic the first one, round objects the second and the third ones. As well for the drapery it is clear what shape it has, because of the curves and the straight lines that start from the end of the table to the ground it is clear that the shape and form depends on other force and objects. What is also clear is that the first object is transparent as you can see slightly a jar behind it and the jug has some reflection of the middle object. This gives out from what material they might be.

What is missing in this drawing is value there are barely any shadows in the picture area. The drapery isn't completely drawn and finished and as mentioned most of the outlines of the objects aren't perfect, for example at the first transperant object the lins should be straight but they aren't entirely straight.

week 1:Introduction

This is a 40 minute drawing using a graphite stick. From this vantage point the chair that is holding the drapery can be seen. That's why I chose this vantage point, instead of having only drapery on the entire picture area you can also see some parts of the chairs.

It has some value in it but the contrast isn't big enough to distinguish where are the highlights and where are the darkest values. The squares on the drapery pretty much give the idea of how the drapery looks, but there were some lighter squares and some darker ones except the white squares. All that are visible are completely white squares and and one tone of dark squares. Another mistake with the squares is that they are not equal in size when they should be. However it still gives the sense of how the drapery really looks.

What is seen at first sight is that there is something off with the legs of the bottom chair. They are a bit crooked and not on the right place. A background is missing. Most of the outlines are messy and as well no cast shadow can be seen on the ground.