Monday, 27 February 2012

week 3:Still life: Composition - Focus

This is a 30 minute drawing using a B2 pencil. I chose this vantage point because of the pleasent composition. The implied line makes the eye follow from the top of the first jug going to the bottle on to the flowers then going down to the vase and finishing off at the right jug.

The focal point using the rule of thirds is exactly that jug in the most right in the picture area. However the eye may follow a different path going throught the left end of the drapery through the lonely flower in the vase to the jug in the right. The drapery helps for that implied line. In value this drawing is good the highlights on the right jug and on the vase are easy to spot as well are the shadows. There are obvious transparent objects in the drawing showing the material they are probably made from. with the highlights and the sharp shadowson the jug on the right it makes it also visible that the object is shiny.

However this drawing is not perfect. The elipse of the first jug on the left is too wide. Also the bouquet seems like it's not holding on to anything, maybe because the stalk seems to straight at the end. It is not well detailed.

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