Friday, 27 April 2012

Final Still Life

This a 40 minute still life drawing, using a B6 pencil. The composition is interesting in this particular drawing as the implied line followes from the little, lying on the box, bottle up to the nail polish the to the little tube and on to the bottle of parfume where the focal point is. It also matches the rule of thirds.

There are a few different by shape and material objects. The object on the very left is transparent with a liquid inside, which is visible also the bottom of that object is viewable as well, which gives away that it's transparent. The shading is nicely done making it easy to recognize that all of the objects are from a different material. There is a nice reflection happening on the box, where the objects lie, giving a good sense of depth. The contrast is fairly good. What is interesting in this picture is that all ofthe objects have two cast shadows one of them is slightly lighter while the other one is darker.

It is a nice still life drawing, however the cropping hasn't been done properly as the top of the bottle of parfume is slightly cut off and that's where the main interest is, since it's the focal point of the picture.

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