This is a 45 minute figure drawing, using a B6 pencil. The model has right proportions. This is a close form, static pose. It has a nice sense of weight as it is clear that the model is sitting on the chir, relaxed without any tension.
This drawing is good in value and depth as the selfshadows and cast shadows along with the highlights and darkest values are easily distinguished. The contrast is nice. Thanks to the lines of the chair that are partly viewable under the drapery gives away that it's transparent. The curves of the clothes and the drapery are nicely drawn as they show where the parts of the model's body affect the cloth. Also the left shoulder gives away that she is putting some amount of weight onto that hand. The structure of the muscles are drawn't well, giving away mass and that there is no tension happening in them, except partly in the right leg.
In overall this is a fairly good figure drawing. However there isn't much detail in the background. There is just a small amount of shading in it.
Friday, 27 April 2012
Final Still Life
This a 40 minute still life drawing, using a B6 pencil. The composition is interesting in this particular drawing as the implied line followes from the little, lying on the box, bottle up to the nail polish the to the little tube and on to the bottle of parfume where the focal point is. It also matches the rule of thirds.
There are a few different by shape and material objects. The object on the very left is transparent with a liquid inside, which is visible also the bottom of that object is viewable as well, which gives away that it's transparent. The shading is nicely done making it easy to recognize that all of the objects are from a different material. There is a nice reflection happening on the box, where the objects lie, giving a good sense of depth. The contrast is fairly good. What is interesting in this picture is that all ofthe objects have two cast shadows one of them is slightly lighter while the other one is darker.
It is a nice still life drawing, however the cropping hasn't been done properly as the top of the bottle of parfume is slightly cut off and that's where the main interest is, since it's the focal point of the picture.
Final Landscape
This is a 30 minute landscape drawing using a B6 pencil. The drawing has a interesting angle of view point as there is a lot of foreshortening happening in the distance and the objects in the foreground are bigger.
The composition isn't that pleasing. It is hard to find the focal point, the eye just wonders around the image a lot. The focal point however seems to be the trees behind the fence as there are a lot of lines following that direction from the roofs and the walls of the buildings. This drawing is good in depth, because ot the foreshortening and the value in the drawing.
It's not that highly detailed, but is still viewable that the buildings are made from bricks. The sidewalk however is missing it's tiles. It has a nice contrast as the highlightes and the dark values can be easily found.
week12: Natural Landscape
This is a 35 landscape drawing. The composition isn't that interesting as there are mainly only a few trees that can be seen in the drawing, however one stands to be the focal point the tree in the middle, which also gets to be in line with the rule of thirds. As there are a lot of differen't colours around that tree but only that one has such a dark green hue stands out from the others. This is a good example of how colours can also affect, which will be the focal point of a drawing.
The hue that is dominating in the particular drawing is green and brown. It is not that saturated but from the total amount of colours and their value it seems like it's not a sunny weather. The background isn't detailed as well as the foreground. It seems like the trees are casting shadows, which is totatly the opposite expectation of a nonsunny weather so this drawing seems a little bit confusing.
week11: Colour
This is a 30 minute, colour landscape drawing. The drawing isn't rich in colour but the hue that is mostly dominates in this image is the spectrum of the green colours. The image is a bit saturated, the value of the drawing is also low so it looks like it's a cloudy, rainy weather.
In composition this is a interesting drawing as the marble egg type of thing which is upfront getting in the implied lines of the rule of thirds also there are other implied lines in the drawing making it the center of attantion, like the tree infront of it and the straight lines from behing and in front from the walls, also the line from the tiles on the left.
It is not a highly detailed drawing as the background is just slightly coloured.
Week10:Classical Interior
This is a 40 minute drawin showing a Classical interior. The composition isn't that interesting as there is too little drawn. However it is a nice drawing as it has all the different, interesting shapes and object from a different material. Without going into too much detail it still shows the beauty of the Classical interior. It has a nice sence of depth and value as it's proper shaded.
However it isn't that good in contrast. Also the top of the balcony seems to have been drawn in a wrong angle. It looks a bit off when compared with the curve of the balcony itself. It is obviously not a finished drawing as the balcony on the right is half way drawn and not as highly detailed as the first one. The shadows inside the balcony seem not to be quite right as well. there is nothing drawn under the balcony making it like it's floating in thin air.
Week9:Modern Architecture
This is a 40 minute landscape drawing, drawn with a B6 pencil showing modern architecture.
It is an interesting drawing as it has a lot of curves and lines that are going perpendiculary or alongside to others. It shows a good sence of depth as there is a lot of foreshortening happening in the background where the pillars are. It is also good in value, although the highlights on the glass wall aren't that easy to see.
There are a lot of issues with this drawing. The pillar that is infront on the left seems like isn't holding anything despite the fact that a roof is drawn it seems unreal. There is a part missing in this drawing the same pillar just ends into the air. The angle of the tile seems also wrong. This drawing is a bit confusing with this few mistakes and missing parts, but other than that it shows the interesing modern architecture of the National Medea Museum.
Tuesday, 27 March 2012
Week 8:Nonhuman Anatomy
This is a 10 minute nonhuman drawing of a toucan, using a B6 pencil. This drawing has a good sence of value as there is a lot of shading around the toucan on the branch, on which he is standing. It is a nice drawing as the figure anatomy resemblance a lot the figure of a bird. The outlines and curves show the muscle sturcture of a toucan as you can recognize it for it's unique beak.
There is some background missing as well as from this vantage point there should be more parts visible from the toucan than just that for example it's missing it's tail it also looks strange like it's missing another foot and the dark values on his black feathers isn't easily distinguished even the wing itself is hard to see. The beak has the right shape but seems to be not as thick as it should.
Tuesday, 13 March 2012
week 7:Balance Weight Dynamism
This is a 20 minute figure drawing with a B4 pencil. From this vantage point it is clear that this is a closed form, static pose as the woman is relaxing on the bed with her hands under her head only at the bottom, the left leg is making the lower part of the body open formed.
The drawing has good proportions and sense of mass. The muscles are highly detailed with right curves. It is fairly good in value even though some cast shadows seem to miss. It is clear that the wight is spread through all of her body as she is lying down, relaxed without any tension in any part of her body. There is a good foreshortening in the right arm that can actually be seen from this vantage point showing that the arm goes down beneath the model's head.
This is not exactly a finished piece. As mentioned the cast shadows aren't perfect. A background is missing as well as the face of the model. It is also not that good in contrast.
week 6:Anatomy and Movement
This is a 25 minute figure drawing with a B6 pencil. This pose is interesting as there is a lot of foreshortening happening in the area around the arms and shows good balance.
The muscles are highly detailed with a good shape. It is clear that she is about to swing with her hands as the muscles in the arm show tension as well as the legs. In proportions it is fairly good, although even there is a foreshortening in the arms it still looks a little bit off like they are not drawn in the right agnle. The drawing has a good sense of depth and value, you can clearly see all the cast and selfshadows. The highlights are a bit hard to distinguish as the contrast isn't that good.
In overall this is a good drawing showing movement. The background isn't completely finished as there is space on the left and not much detail in the back, behind the girl.
Monday, 27 February 2012
week 5:Basic Anatomy Refresher
This is a 20 minute figure drawing using a B2 pencil. From this vantage point not all parts of the body can be seen. The legs and the arms can be only partly seen as the back covers them up.
In proportions it's fairly right. There is a good foreshortening happening in the right leg and in the arm that can actually be seen which gives a good deapth of the drawing. In value it is good the shadows at the back along with the curve in the spine and the outlines of the back give that sense of him leaning forward. However the background is not finished as the body there is some shading missing. It shows good balance and wight as it is obvious he is resting on the pillow, as well puting some wight over his right leg. He is relaxed there is no tension. Shows the shape of the muscles and the body nicely.
Even though it is a good drawing it isn't exactly a finished piece. As mentioned some shading is missing on the drapery. Also even though it is obvious that he is leaning forward the outlines of the back aren't exactly correct as the model was a bit more bend over than he is drawn.
week 4:Foreshortening and Extreme Angles
This is a 40 minute drawing of a skeleton using a B4 pencil. This is a great vantage point because of the oblique angle.
There is some great foreshortening happening on to the picture area that's why the idea of under what angle the skeleton is lying on the ground is clear. A lot of parts from the skeleton have went through a forshortening drawn on to the 2D plane. That give is great depth. The drawing is good in value as you can see some selfshadows and some cast shadows, but it isn't that great in contrast so it isn't clear where exactly are the highlights. However the ribs aren't with the right size they are too long making the chest look bigger than it should be from this angle. So in this area the foreshortening hasn't been applied that accurate. The head that can be slightly seen looks bigger than it should be as well.
This drawing isn't entirely finished as there are some bits missing. The background isn't fully drawn, the drapery is only half way drawn, although it's been nicely detailed around the skeleton and shaded, and the left foot of the skeleton misses a few fingers.
week 3:Still life: Composition - Focus
This is a 30 minute drawing using a B2 pencil. I chose this vantage point because of the pleasent composition. The implied line makes the eye follow from the top of the first jug going to the bottle on to the flowers then going down to the vase and finishing off at the right jug.
The focal point using the rule of thirds is exactly that jug in the most right in the picture area. However the eye may follow a different path going throught the left end of the drapery through the lonely flower in the vase to the jug in the right. The drapery helps for that implied line. In value this drawing is good the highlights on the right jug and on the vase are easy to spot as well are the shadows. There are obvious transparent objects in the drawing showing the material they are probably made from. with the highlights and the sharp shadowson the jug on the right it makes it also visible that the object is shiny.
However this drawing is not perfect. The elipse of the first jug on the left is too wide. Also the bouquet seems like it's not holding on to anything, maybe because the stalk seems to straight at the end. It is not well detailed.
Week 2:Still life: Shape and Form
This is a 20 minute drawing using charcoal. The composition of the object isn't that interesting the eye goes from the first transperant object on to the big vase like object and finishes off at the jug on the right. So the vantage point isn't the best one that could have been chosen to avoid this plain composition.
The outlines aren't perfectly drawn, but you can still see and understand what is the real shape of these objects and the form of the objects, quadratic the first one, round objects the second and the third ones. As well for the drapery it is clear what shape it has, because of the curves and the straight lines that start from the end of the table to the ground it is clear that the shape and form depends on other force and objects. What is also clear is that the first object is transparent as you can see slightly a jar behind it and the jug has some reflection of the middle object. This gives out from what material they might be.
What is missing in this drawing is value there are barely any shadows in the picture area. The drapery isn't completely drawn and finished and as mentioned most of the outlines of the objects aren't perfect, for example at the first transperant object the lins should be straight but they aren't entirely straight.
The outlines aren't perfectly drawn, but you can still see and understand what is the real shape of these objects and the form of the objects, quadratic the first one, round objects the second and the third ones. As well for the drapery it is clear what shape it has, because of the curves and the straight lines that start from the end of the table to the ground it is clear that the shape and form depends on other force and objects. What is also clear is that the first object is transparent as you can see slightly a jar behind it and the jug has some reflection of the middle object. This gives out from what material they might be.
What is missing in this drawing is value there are barely any shadows in the picture area. The drapery isn't completely drawn and finished and as mentioned most of the outlines of the objects aren't perfect, for example at the first transperant object the lins should be straight but they aren't entirely straight.
week 1:Introduction
This is a 40 minute drawing using a graphite stick. From this vantage point the chair that is holding the drapery can be seen. That's why I chose this vantage point, instead of having only drapery on the entire picture area you can also see some parts of the chairs.
It has some value in it but the contrast isn't big enough to distinguish where are the highlights and where are the darkest values. The squares on the drapery pretty much give the idea of how the drapery looks, but there were some lighter squares and some darker ones except the white squares. All that are visible are completely white squares and and one tone of dark squares. Another mistake with the squares is that they are not equal in size when they should be. However it still gives the sense of how the drapery really looks.
What is seen at first sight is that there is something off with the legs of the bottom chair. They are a bit crooked and not on the right place. A background is missing. Most of the outlines are messy and as well no cast shadow can be seen on the ground.
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